Reese 2400 HL Rotary Drum Mower 8 foot cut. 3 point hookup, 540 pto, one hydraulic hose used to lift to transport. New paint, belts and bearings 40 acres ago. Low maintenance. 4 knives on each drum, 2 drums, 8 total knives. Knives are 2 sided and can be switched from one drum to the other to get 2 uses from them. Knives have one side left on them. One knife needs to be replaced, bent it on a rock. It has a tedder attachment on the back to spread out the material you are cutting for drying. Tedder fingers are held on by linch pins and can be removed to cut into a windrow. You can cut as fast as you can comfortably drive. When transporting, raise it hydraulically to a vertical position. Other than a new knife needed, it is a nice mower in very good condition. 1500 pound weight.